Leora Duce Leadership Initiative

The Leora Duce Leadership Initiative at Blue Mountain Christian University is designed to build intellectual integrity, 礼貌, 基督徒的品格, 仆人领导, and service—all of which are essential to becoming a successful leader on campus and in the future. These characteristics all are a part of the BMCU Mission. Leadership, at BMCU, is defined as the willingness and ability to influence others positively.


查看我们的 点系统 申请领导证书

By obtaining a ag体育 leadership diploma, students should be able to demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Engagement in problem solving and making informed judgments
  • Improvement and maintenance of physical and psychological well being
  • Engagement in team-building and cooperative efforts
  • Development of skills for making responsible moral choices based upon an understanding of biblical principles
  • 个人主动性的发展
  • Engagement in service and 礼貌 as a way of life
  • Improvement in the ability to communicate effectively in all settings
  • 提高仆人式领导的技巧
To aid students in the development of leadership skills, a new leadership diploma is being offered to all students. The diploma is based on the model of 仆人领导 as best demonstrated in the Bible.

To earn a leadership diploma at ag体育, a student must earn at least 100 points by completing their choice of a variety of activities. 一旦学生完成了一项活动, he or she has one week to record it by emailing details of his or her participation or submitting the activity to Coordinator of Leadership. (因为这个程序是新的, 目前的二年级的学生, juniors and seniors may request diploma credits for past activities to enroll in the program. Upper class students have until October 1, 2016 to submit past activities to the director.)

The diploma program is based on the ag体育 Honor System and Honor Code. Should a student falsely submit participation in an activity, that student forfeits the right to earn the leadership diploma. Violation of ag体育 policy may also result in the student being ineligible for the leadership diploma.

Some other campus events will count for leadership credit. To stay abreast with the ongoing opportunities for earning leadership points, 请访问BMC网站www.bmc.vig2.net.

Points System for the ag体育 Leadership Certificate

  • Participate in a leadership workshop sponsored by ag体育
  • Participate in a designated leadership residential hall program
  • 加入领英并填写个人资料
  • 参加一个校园学术俱乐部/组织
  • Meet with the Coordinator of Student Success and Career Services
  • 参加招聘会
  • Practice interviewing skills in the Student Success and Career Services Office
  • Send a handwritten thank you letter to someone who has impacted your life
  • 充分利用教学中心
  • Serve as a member of the 浸信会学生会 Council
  • 担任社会干事
  • 担任社会荣誉委员
  • 担任部长协会官员
  • 充当ag体育导游
  • Nominate another student for the leadership diploma program
  • Create and submit a personal business card design
  • 在州或全国选举中投票
  • Hold a leadership position in an academic club/organization
  • 担任班级干部
  • 参加BMC学术研究日

  • Attend an approved leadership conference (off campus)
  • Participate in a leadership retreat offered by BMC organizations
  • 在SBA或BSU担任领导职务
  • Serve as President of a society (Eunomian, Euzelian, Modenian, Berean, Ecclesian)
  • Participate in an athletic team on campus for at least 2 years
  • 参加一个长期的查经班
  • 担任学院正式委员会成员
  • Complete 5 service hours and a reflection assignment
  • 创建并提交一份汇报单
  • 进行一项研究项目
  • Participate in a theatrical or musical performance
  • Submit an original literary/art work to the Mountain Breeze
  • 担任SBA代表
  • 担任班长一职
  • 担任学术荣誉协会主席
  • Serve as editor of the Mountain Breeze, Mountaineer, or BM Seer
  • 在帕尔默-唐纳之家做志愿者

  • 完成一次实习
  • 发表研究论文
  • 成为宿舍助理
  • Create a new ag体育 club or organization that remains active for at least one year
  • Complete 10 hours of service and a reflection assignment
  • Serve as president of the Student Body Association
  • Serve as president of the 浸信会学生会
  • 担任波士顿州立大学学生暑期传教士
  • Participate in a scholarship program, including XXXXXXXXXX
  • 创建并展示一个领导力研讨会
  • Complete an approved academic leadership course
  • Serve as a tour guide of the Palmer-Donnell House


大一: First-year students must choose two senior leadership capstone presentations to view.

大学二年级: Second-year students must submit a leadership portfolio which includes their personal leadership statements and a résumé.

大三: Juniors must submit a personal statement of at least 500 words. Personal statements should reflect individual passions and goals of understanding of what leadership means to the individual submitting. 三年级学生也将提交10-20名同学的名字, 教师, or staff to the Coordinator of Leadership to participate in an anonymous leadership review. 结果将与学生分享.

大四: Capstone Presentation--seniors will prepare a 10-15 minute multimedia presentation that is videotaped and reviewed by a group of ag体育 professionals. 演讲内容包括:
  • The top three leadership areas in which the student has grown during his or her undergraduate career
  • The main leadership area in which the student needs to grow and his or her plan for improvement
  • 学生对未来的计划, 这个计划是如何研究出来的, and how the student chose the next steps in life.